Wednesday, January 4, 2012


My little guy will be one this month. I am so excited. I was looking at him today and it just hit me how big he is getting. He is so tall, and getting skinny. My husband says that he will be walking in the next four days. I can almost believe it. Things go by so fast. He hung out with Santa before Christmas and told him what he wanted. I think he got it. I watched him rip the paper off of one of the gifts all by himself. We didn't give him a ton, he doesn't need it. I did open a savings account for him though. I think that's the best gift I can give him. I want to put money in it every month. If I can't do it every month I will do it every year when we get our taxes back. So for his birthday party we are doing a nursery rhyme theme. I hope it goes well. Not a ton of people, but just enough. I'll write more later, right now we are 48 hours into little man having a fever.

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