What is the Fall Fashionista Giveaway?
It is the internet’s largest and only ALL FASHION, ONLY FASHION related
blog giveaway EVENT. Taking place October 11-17, every giveaway will be
valued at $125 – or more! Most of the bloggers have put together prize
packs worth several hundred dollars (There is even one that has $4000)!
Since there are more than 115 bloggers participating that means there
will be more than $25,000 worth of prizes to win--many giveaways are
over $300! Are you still breathing? It’s a little hard to take in,
right?! Well, throw in a $1200 Louis Viutton Grand Prize Bag from Bella
Bags (http://shopbellabag.com/) and you won't even SLEEP for 6 days!

What is the LookBook?
To get you even more excited, we’ve put together a LookBook to offer a
sneak peak at some of the giveaways that will be offered during the
event. Flip through the pages and find the numerous gift cards that will
give you a well-deserved shopping spree. Or maybe jewelry is more your
style. No problem. There are hundreds of dollars worth of baubles to
adorn your ears, wrists and throat. Plus, you could win a new pair of
jeans or a gorgeous fall dress. And what fashion giveaway would be
complete without a number of trendy purses? Feast your eyes on the

if all of this wasn’t enough… Mountain Khakis, The Fashionista EVENTS
LookBook Sponsor, is offering you the chance to win a $500 shopping
spreei! Stock up on items for the winter, get some Christmas shopping
out of the way. Visit Mountian Khakis Enter in the Rafflecopter Giveaway tool below.
The Fall Fashionista Giveaway Event is the amazing brainchild of The Chief Blonde at Still Blonde After All These Years http://stillblondeafteralltheseyears.com/ Her co-hosts for the event are Katy Rose of ModlyChic http://www.modlychic.com/ and Kristyn of the K Squared Glamour http://www.ksquaredglamour.org Mark your calendars for October 11-17. It’s going to be Epic!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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