So I was reading and I found this very cool idea called lasagna gardening. I am trying to take better care of our yard, and I have been looking for ideas on how to make it nice and healthy and reduce the amount of work I have to do. I’ll admit it- I am lazy when it comes to yard work. I planted a garden this year, and it was nice, however I hate the weeding and the other stuff that comes with working in the yard outside, like the bees and wasps that literally can kill me. So, when I ran across this idea, it sounds amazing!!!

This is a display by the Master Gardeners from the Nashville Lawn and Garden show on Lasagna Gardening.
You start with newspaper, and then layer on your composting materials and keep going until it’s about two feet deep. It shrinks drastically in just a couple of weeks. Not only does it help to fertilize your garden, it helps prevent weeds come spring! I think my garden next year might be the best yet!Check it out here!