Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Happy Holidays
We had a great Christmas, we kept it small C-man is only one so we didn't need a ton of stuff. Not that you ever need a ton of stuff, but as parents I think we tend to go overboard- a lot. I was proud of myself for keeping in my budget this holiday season. I think a big part of my success is that I shop all year long. When I see a good deal, I buy it and I keep it in my "gift center" (read: rusty old shelf in the basement) until the appropriate gift giving occasion arrives. I currently have stashed a huge my little pony sea castle thing for my niece they go for $40+ and I snagged it for $5 or $10 I honestly don't remember. This year I also saved cash by making gifts for my 4 nieces. I made them tutu's and they loved them. It was great. Not that the holidays are about gifts, it's just I love giving so it's a bonus for me.
Sunny was here too so that was fun. For those of you who don't know, Sunny was our exchange student a few years ago, he comes back for Christmas. It's nice to have him around, he's a good kid. (Even though he's 20 now.) He has a great sense of humor and he's always willing to help. Though he does kind of make me miss my early 20's when I didn't need the sleep I'm not getting now.
In other great news I will be starting off the new year in good spirits, my car will be fixed, I got a new car seat for the little man, and I am going to clean the house. Well that's the plan anyway. I got my craft stuff out of Connors room, and moved into the basement. Now I just have to reorganize. I got him a toy box for his room (not that he has much but now we have a place to put it.) He got a bunch of cars for Christmas so now we have a place to keep them. He got some cute plastic little tykes cars from his Great Grandpa (James's G-pa K) and some cook rubber Tonka trucks from his grandma (James's mom.) My brother sent him some little musical toy in hopes to annoy me, but he's going to have to do better- we have lots of musical toys. He asked my what the most annoying toy he could get was, but I'm not telling. I'm not going to mention it here because even though I am sure he doesn't read this, with my luck it would be his first time when I say what I don't want my kid to have.
I got a video camera for Christmas, so look forward to some cute videos of my cute kid. :D And that's all for today. Anyone out there have a new years resolution or do you skip them?
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Say a little prayer
Things have been crazy here, and I haven’t even drawn the winner yet for the jam. Sorry about that, and I’m not posting about that now. I just read a post from a fellow blogger (if I can call myself that) and I wanted to share her story. I cried the whole way through. So please whatever religion you do or do not subscribe to, however you pray, or send good juju, or whatever else you do- please do it for this family. I can’t imagine how they must be feeling.
Be sure to read the updates as well.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Holiday Gift Guide Vol. I Part III–GIVEAWAY INCLUDED!
This year I am very pro hand made business (bonus points if it’s from the USA but I’m not very exclusionary.) I just want to make purchases where it will make a difference to someone. While if we go and shop at Wal-Mart or Target, it may not make the same impact as shopping at your local mom and pop shop, or making a purchase from an etsy shop owner. So, please join me in making a difference in the lives of our neighbors this year. Even if you only purchase half of your gifts from home owned shops know you are making a HUGE difference.
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Apple Pie and Sweet Pepper |
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My Jelly. Yum! |
Buy it here: Wolf Creek
What: Some of the yummiest jellies you will ever find.
Cost: 4oz jars start at only $3; Holiday packs including shipping start at $26 including shipping!
Who to buy it for:ME! Great for the foodie, the hard to buy for person, the person you have no idea what to get, someone with a sweet tooth or you know anyone else on your shopping list.
Why: This stuff is so good! I am so happy with my choices! I have only tried two of my six jars and I am hooked. I originally found them looking for something to send my dad for Christmas. However Crystal (the lovely lady behind the jelly) had some fun and games on her page where her fans got to rename the jelly; so my husband suggested the name “Sweet Magma” for the hot pepper jelly and he won! So I got to try some out too! I was really impressed with the packaging, I liked that she used a lot of packaging, and it was mostly "green" too! I am a huge fan of packaging with paper.
I have to tell you her chocolate covered cherry is AMAZING! It tastes like a cherry cordial, and it’s not too sweet. I have eaten almost the entire jar by myself. It’s fantastic on toast, pb&j and I am sure just about anywhere else you might think to use it. I am thinking of trying it in some thumbprint cookies. I am telling you I think I am going to order a six pack of this stuff because I do not see myself getting sick of it. I have also tried their Apple Pie (soon to be renamed Apple-licious) It really tastes like Apple Pie filling. It was also awesome on toast, I was thinking it might also be good a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or again anywhere else you can think to use it. It’s sweeter than the chocolate covered cherry. Another great thing is she has some sugar free options available as well. All of the jars are sealed and dated with the day they were made, so you know you are getting a fresh and super yummy product, made with love.
Here’s the best part! Wolf Creek Creations wants to share their jelly with you too! They are giving away two jars in your choice of flavor! All you have to do is like their page, and leave a note saying you came from “Becoming Mom.” Then come back and fill out the rafflecopter form!
US only please!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Holiday Gift Guide Vol. I Part II
This year I am very pro hand made business (bonus points if it’s from the USA but I’m not very exclusionary.) I just want to make purchases where it will make a difference to someone. While if we go and shop at Wal-Mart or Target, it may not make the same impact as shopping at your local mom and pop shop, or making a purchase from an etsy shop owner. So, please join me in making a difference in the lives of our neighbors this year. Even if you only purchase half of your gifts from home owned shops know you are making a HUGE difference.
TZ Burps
Buy it here:
What: Some of the worlds most adorable plush buddies and other accessories.
Cost: $8.00 and up
Who to buy it for: The kid in your life, or just the person who loves soft things.
Why: These plushies are so amazing! I had actually planned to post something else today for my gift guide, but this came in the mail today (in an adorable Christmas bag too) and I fell in love. It is super soft and so so sweet. The owl I have is the one pictured above, it’s called the Woodland Owl. I love it, the colors are warm and cozy, and this is well stuffed and super cuddly. I think it is going to look perfect peeking out the top of my little guys stocking for Christmas. The stitching is nice a even, all of the cuts are clean and crisp,the orange details are a little lopsided, and one ear is a little larger than the other, but I think that gives it character. This little guy is stuffed too, no skimping in that department either. It makes for a cute little pillow. I know anyone would love this. So go buy two! TZ burps has other items available as well. Hats, bibs, taggy blankets, fishes, monsters, and more! Here are a few items from their etsy shop:
Girly Tooth Pillow Owls Fish Friend
Gift Set Crinkle Bird
So go now and buy from her, these are amazing! I love them, they are so worth it!
If you or anyone you know would like to be featured in my Holiday Gift Guide, please let me know! I am happy to share include you, (preference given to those who make something available for review.)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Oops. Not a tasty recipe- it's soap.
I know I just said tasty Tuesday, but I lied. I am too excited about this great money saving "recipe" I made. I am making my own laundry soap. It's super cheap and super easy! You only need three ingredients!
The Soap: The most typical type of soap to use is Fels Naptha. It is an old-fashioned type of soap usually found in the laundry aisle. The another option is a brand called, Zote. Either of these will work. If you use Ivory or your own homemade soap you will need to use the whole bar.
Washing Soda: This is not the same thing as baking soda. Washing soda is sodium carbonate or soda ash, baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. Its purpose is to help remove dirt and orders. The brand to look for is Arm & Hammer Washing Soda. I find it in the laundry section of my grocery store. It's in a white box, next to a giant box of baking soda which says it's good for laundry. (At least in my store.) If you can't find it; they have it on Amazon, but ask your store manager they may be able to order it for you.
Borax: Borax is a naturally occurring mineral: Sodium Borate. It is a white powder. It’s purpose is as a laundry whitener and deodorizer. You should be able to locate this in the laundry detergent aisle. Again as with the washing soda, if you cannot find it ask you store manager or look online.
Laundry Soap
1/3 bar Fels Naptha
1 Cup Washing Soda
1 Cup Borax
Grate the Fels Naptha into a bowl, add the washing soda and borax, stir until you have a nice powder. Store in an air tight container.
You use 1-2 Tablespoons of this per load of laundry. It can even be used in HE machines.
Here's the breakdown for cost (I rounded up to make my math easy):
Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (55oz): $4.00
20 Mule Team Borax (76oz): $5.00
1 bar Fels Naptha (5.5oz) $1.00
Total cost $10.00
Makes 3 batches of laundry soap (based on the size of the Fells Naptha bar you will have leftovers of the other 2 ingredients) Each batch yields approximately 32 ounces (between 32-64 loads based on how many Tbsp used per load). So you get a total of 96-192 loads of laundry for $10.00 That's .05-.10 per load
Here's a bonus! It makes dishwasher soap too! You just leave out the fels naptha. *does a happy dance* I can't wait to see how much money I will be saving this year!
Dishwasher Soap
1 cup borax
1 cup baking soda or washing soda
Mix ingredients in a container with a removable, snap-top lid. Add 2 tablespoons per load along with a splash of white vinegar in the rinse chamber of your dishwasher to prevent spots and/or residue. Add several drops of your favorite essential oil (naturally antiseptic tea tree oil is an excellent choice) as an optional finishing touch.
Liquid Dishwasher Detergent
½ cup water
½ cup white vinegar
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
3 drops essential oil of your choice
Pour ingredients into a recycled plastic bottle with a squirt-top and shake until thoroughly incorporated. Before using, shake liquid well and measure out 2 tablespoons per load.
I’m so sorry…
I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long. I got all busy and then bummed out because I couldn’t do all of the posts that I wanted because I couldn’t find my camera, and school and blah blah blah excuses excuses. However, I am back. I am here an writing again, and I am going to make it up to you. I won a TON of giveaways from the made with love event so you will get a bunch of reviews from products, and I made some really yummy food and took lots of pictures so we are getting some recipes up, and to top it all off, I have come up with some great “green recipes” for the home and beauty to share with you guys. So I am really excited to be getting back on track!
I don’t want them to all be in this post, so I am just going to post a super cute picture of the C man, and then start the recipe in the next post. (Tasty Tuesday?) Wahoo!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Holiday Gift Guide Vol. I
This year I am very pro hand made business (bonus points if it’s from the USA but I’m not very exclusionary.) I just want to make purchases where it will make a difference to someone. While if we go and shop at Wal-Mart or Target, it may not make the same impact as shopping at your local mom and pop shop, or making a purchase from an etsy shop owner. So, please join me in making a difference in the lives of our neighbors this year. Even if you only purchase half of your gifts from home owned shops know you are making a HUGE difference.
Blossom Soap and Sundries

Buy it here:
What: Delightful Goat Milk and Shea Butter Soaps
Cost: $4.00 – $18.00
Who to buy it for?: I recommend this for any lady (or anyone else) in your life that likes to be clean (Hopefully that’s all of them…)
Why?: I was fortunate to win a three pack of goat milk soaps during the Fall Fashionista giveaway from Lori at Blossom Soaps, and while it may have come in creative (but green) packaging these soaps were still amazing. They have a nice fragrance, are light on the skin and not sticky, and I love the packaging on these soaps, they have a nice “shabby chic” feel to them. The three soaps I recieved are the Almond Milk and Honey, Black Apple, and Snickerdoodle Coffee Scrub. The Almond Milk and Honey smells delicious, While the name may make this soap seem like a bland scent it has an amazing almost spicy smell. It goes on the skin smoothly and rinses clean,the scent does not really leave scent behind- which I found to be true with all three of the soaps. The Black Apple has sea clay and activated charcoal in it which are supposed to be good for clarifying and detoxing the skin. It also has a very yummy smell. It is not overly fruity but more of a crisp clean scent. If you love coffee you will love the Snickerdoodle Coffee Scrub, It smells yummy too! (I think that makes her three for three!) This one has clove in it which I love, and the coffee too. The coffee is an amazing ingredient, it exfoliates and absorbs odors, so it is good for the kitchen too as it will wash the onion or garlic off your skin.
These soaps last a very long time if you keep them out of standing water and let them dry between uses. A soap dish with ridges will do it for you. I love these soaps, and I can’t wait to try some of the others that she has available on her site, the Hand Milled Lavender, and Spiced Chai are next on my list. I just have to get through these bars first, so excuse me while I run to wash up!
If you or anyone would like to be featured in my Holiday Gift Guide, please let me know! I am happy to share include you, (preference given to those who make something available for review.)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Made With Love Giveaway - Package Two
Prize Package Number Two!
From A Tender Yen (<---facebook link) check out her spotlight here.
This giveaway is open to the United States Only!
Tiffany Waddell
Nouveau Love, 2011
Multi-media Assemblage; wooden shadow box, paper, damask fabric, lace,velvet and tassel trims, feathers, Blessings and Love.
14in x 15in
Value $45
Made With Love Giveaway - Package One
Prize Package Number One!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Part two of Made With Love- A Tender Yen Spotlight!
I know the giveaway starts in just a couple of hours, but I was waiting (I don’t know why) to do this spotlight until I got a picture of the actual giveaway item. It is so AMAZING! I wish I were eligible to win! Tiffany Waddell is a very creative and talented artist from A Tender Yen (she is also a doula for those of you having babies in the Santa Cruz CA area.) Her one of a kind creations are defiantly “made with love” and talent. I could go on an on about her and her work, but I think this sums it up much more eloquently and concisely.
Tiffany Waddell’s Artist Statement
Tiffany has anointed her creations with the term “Spiritual Collage.” Other than altar making and washing dishes, it is her favorite form of meditation. An epic collage session brings her peace of mind, inspiration, and a greater connection to Spirit. Tiffany’s intention in creating these works is that they will radiate sweetness and nourish your soul, as they do hers.
Tiffany Waddell’s Artist Bio
In November of 1982, Tiffany Jo Waddell was born into a large clan of animal lovers, artists, caretakers, and wild women. She was quickly introduced to the wonderful world of home-making, where culinary and baking skills were considered an art form and everyone (people and pets alike) was welcome. Although gardening and sewing were beloved past times of her family, they were also a necessity.
From a very young age, she has relished in hostessing and holding sacred space. As these concepts seep into her creations, she weaves together a deep sense of nostalgia with Spiritual symbols. They are often viewed as stand-alone altars, as she integrates “Spiritual Collage” with beautiful mementos, such as antique lace, stones, beads, feathers, sea shells and baubles.
Tiffany is currently creating one-of-a-kind assemblage altars and helping to curate 9:Cycles of Creation, a collaborative women's art show in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please visit or for more information!
Tiffany Waddell
Nouveau Love, 2011
Multi-media Assemblage; wooden shadow box, paper, damask fabric, lace,velvet and tassel trims, feathers, Blessings and Love.
14in x 15in
Thank you!!!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Recipe–My soon to be famous chili
So it is all cold and blustery here, and what I love in the cold fall and winter weather are soups and chili. Today I am going to share with you my recipe for some super good chili! It is also so easy! Now my disclaimer is that I never really measure anything, I just dump it in, however for people who cook like my dad I have included measurements for you. I will post my cooking steps then the entire recipe at the bottom so if you want to skip to that go for it!
If you’re using turkey, you will want to add some olive oil to the pan, then brown the meat. If you are using beef, just brown it- no oil. You need about a pound I like to add half an onion on this step. I also do this in the pot I intend to make the chili in. Mostly because I hate dishes.
After the meat is browned- I add the rest of the onion, a 28oz crushed tomato, two cans of kidney beans, I like to mix the light red and the dark red, lots of garlic, about two tablespoons chili powder, half a teaspoon each of paprika, oregano, cayenne pepper, cum, and pepper. (Most people add salt. I’m not a salt fan- if you do use salt please use sea salt. It’s so much better!) Oh and some water. If you want to thicken it up, mix about a tablespoon of cornstarch into about a 1/4 C of water until you get a paste and stir it into the pot.
Stir it up really well, simmer it for at least 30 minutes. I like it served with sour cream, cheese, and corn bread. YUM!
I will post a picture as soon as I find my camera cable! Just pretend this is a yummy looking bowl of delicious chili with melty cheese on top.
Turkey Chili
1 1/2 t olive oil
1 lb turkey
1 onion chopped
2 C water
1 28oz crushed tomato
2 16 oz cans kidney beans
1T garlic
2T chili powder
1/2 t paprika
1/2t cumin
1/2 t salt
1/2t pepper
Brown turkey in a saucepan with olive oil until brown, add onion and cook until tender
Add remaining ingredients and stir
Simmer for at least 30 minutes. Serve warm.
(Wow it sounds way easier that way.)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sleeping… or not.
You see all of these moms talking about how their babies are sleeping through the night at 2 weeks, or 2 months, or whatever. Connor, who is still more adorable than anyone else in the year, does not sleep through the night. I tried “sleep training” and he want’s nothing to do with it. I am the one who is trained. He doesn’t want to sleep in his crib- so he doesn’t. I refuse to try cry-it-out. I have read both negative and positive things about it, but it just isn’t for me. I can’t stand to listen to him cry.
You may think that I shouldn’t cave to him, he’s just a baby, and I’m the mother and I should make the rules, but I can’t. He is my only baby- he will always be my only baby. There won’t be any more kids for me and James, so I let him snuggle in the same room as us. It is the only way I get any sleep at all. He still wakes up a couple times in the night, and he’s a super heavy night wetter so I have to change his diaper at least once.
So, while I do not get a full nights sleep, I do get some sleep. Which is better than none. Even if my parenting choices seem a little off. I have a handsome, healthy, happy little man. And he loves me- I can tell by the way that he wakes up and looks at me and a smile spreads across his whole face when he sees me next to him. It’s amazing.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Cow Patties–Review and Preview!
So, as I have mentioned, I have an awesome giveaway coming up called: Made With Love. It is part of a HUGE event where everything in the giveaway packages are handmade by someone. When I was trying to decide what I wanted for my package, I had a brilliant thought. Have two packages! One of my amazing packages is for all of you crunchy, kinda crunchy, and wanna-be crunchy mom’s out there. A cloth diaper package. But first my review.
I was lucky enough to win a gift certificate to Cow Patties Cloth Diapers through Facebook. I fell in love with the name first, growing up “down South” and now being in Wisconsin, it just seemed like a very fitting name to me. When I went to select what diaper I wanted, they all looked amazing and I decided that I needed two. First up was a Marvel Hero’s diaper (which I let Daddy pick),
and the second was an argyle print (Joint decision between me and his Nonna). The great thing was Cow Patties offers a $3 discount if you supply your own fabric! I supplied this awesome argyle:
These diapers are awesome! I purchased the two all in two diapers with two additional inserts. They are super absorbent after being “treated” (read washed a few times) and they have a very nice, trim fit, even though the insert is nice and big! When they are folded you can get 8 layers of absorbency!
(Images borrowed from the Cow Patties Facebook Page)
My little monster seems to like to wear them, I love the snaps, as I am too lazy to use velcro and never remember to fold down the laundry tabs. Then they get gross and hard to close.The other thing that I really like about these is the fact that they are my first non-pocket diaper, I can unsnap the insert and just reuse the cover! It’s awesome! These diapers are also really well made, when they arrived the package was in good condition, and the diapers and inserts were without any dangling threads or strange fuzzies. Always a plus. The customer service that you get from Megs really rocks, she put up with my crazy schedule and was really patient with me when I forgot to mail in my fabric. (oops) You do have to pay in advance before your custom orders will be made, but the turn around time if very quick, and she does her best to keep you posted on how it’s going, plus you get to see a picture of your diaper before it ships out to you! The only thing that I would like better is if plain colors were available for the insides of the diapers instead of prints, but I heard that was coming soon, so I really don’t have anything to complain about! Overall I give these awesome WAHM diapers a 10 out of 10! So go now and order some! The one size AI2 is a very reasonably prices $14, and extra inserts are only $2 each!
Check out Cow Patties Facebook Page, blog, and online store. to se their awesome selections!
As an added bonus Cow Patties has generously donated two items to our made with love giveaway! So go like them now to be ahead of the game when it comes time for the giveaway! Here’s a sneak peek:
This is the print for the AI2 diaper! This is the awesome cover!!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Fashionista Winner! and our next giveaway!
The Fashonista giveaway event is over! We had a winner who claimed her prize, Jennifer S. Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your prizes! Fret not those of you who did not win, there is another event coming in the spring! How exciting.
For those of you who just can’t wait, next month I am participating in the Made With Love giveaway event. We have a custom art piece from A Tender Yen who does beautiful work. I am also working very very hard to put together a cloth diapering package for you! I am reaching out to a few different work at home parents, who make cloth diapers and supplies to see if I can get a “Cloth Diapering Basics” package together. Wish me luck! I am trying very very hard! Cloth diapering is something that I am super passionate about, and I hope that I can spread that love to others. It really isn’t much harder than disposables, but the cost savings and other benefits are so amazing! My little guy just turned 9 months and has never had a diaper rash, he already knows when he is wet, and has figured out a way to communicate that to me. It is sooo cool! So cross your fingers that we can get the second package together. It has to be a value of $50, so I need a few items together. If you happen to be a WAHM who would like to donate, please get in touch with me!
Check back soon for my first recipe post! I promise it’s a good one!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Fall Fashonista–My First Giveaway!
If you are new to my blog (dollars to doughnuts you are!) WELCOME! I am happy to have you here! My blog is a work in progress, When I finally figure out what I am doing I hope to have updates at least twice a week with recipes and a giveaway one day and my usually baby blabbing on another.
I was going to do a test run of a giveaway, but unfortunately that did not happen. However that does mean that my very first giveaway is part of an amazingly awesome event! The Fall Fashonista Giveaway hosted by Shelley Zurek, The Chief Blonde at Still Blonde after all these YEARS and Ellen leFleche-Christian So let’s get to what you got here for!
For each Fashionista giveaway an entrant enters, they will gain an entry into the grand prize drawing. The Grand Prize is a Fendi bag sponsored by Bella Bags! Awesome Right? And YOU can qualify to win this prize too if you enter giveaways in the event.
My Prizes:
I received an amazing hat from Debutant Designs and I asked her if it would be possible for me to review and give one away. I will tell you that this woman does AMAZING work and I am so glad to be one of her customers. This is my (well it used to be mine but my mom stole it) non slouchy beanie hat.
Awesome Detail It wears so well!
This one could be yours! Okay, not really *this* one because you get to choose what color you want, but you know what I mean! After you check out her facebook, you can check out her etsy too! YOU CAN GET ANY HAT IN ANY SIZE OR COLOR!

For this event she is giving away a hat and scarf set with a value of $30 It is an adult slouchy beanie hat and a scarf. These will be custom made in any color or colors you like! These are so cute,I wish I could win! Also for this giveaway we have my website The Feisty Monkey with an amazing 100% cotton patchwork shirt from Kathmandu Imports. Making this prize package a $51 value!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I’m scared.
In one hour it will be the 21st. That means Connor will be 8 months old. Where has all of the time gone? Seriously? 8 months old! Something hit me hard tonight; I am a mom! Okay, so I have realized this before, but it’s like wow, things are going good, he’s not going to magically disappear from me. I have my baby and nothing is going to go wrong. I have been afraid since I found out that I got pregnant that I was going to loose my baby. Having gone through miscarriages I just had this overwhelming feeling of fear. I tried to tell myself not to get too attached to the pregnancy because he might not make it, then when it was clear that he was fine, I freaked out because he was in the NICU, then when he came home I was constantly checking his breathing. Now, I have a happy healthy amazing baby. So now, I’m scared – I have to figure out how to be a good mother now! I have had good examples of good mothers in my life, but I am not those people, no matter how similar I might seem. I have to find a way that works for me, strike that- a way that works for us- our family.
We have started some baby sign language. We are starting out with the five recommended signs: Mommy, Daddy, dog, milk, and more. I got some hints and tips from this website: It is amazing and really helpful. We should know in a couple of months if it is working. I’m excited. It will be really cool to have another way to communicate with Connor. Seriously, do the rest of you with babies feel like your heart is going to explode every time you see them?
I just want to make sure that Connor has every opportunity in life, and that he wants for nothing. I’m not saying that I want him to be spoiled, or that he won’t have to work for anything, just that I don’t want him to feel like he missed out on something in life. That is part of why I am going back to school. I want to be able to help provide for my son. I want him to know that he is loved and that he can have the moon if he wants. He’s my boy and I love him, I just hope he will always know how much.
In other news I have 2 great giveaways coming up! I am so so excited about them! So my next piece will be a review as a sneak preview for the first giveaway! Are you excited? You should be! Both of these giveaways will be prize packages valued at over $50! I will be using rafflecopter for these giveaways and I want it to go right, so maybe I will do a mini-giveaway to make sure I know how to work the software, so my 3 current readers, you have some really good odds before this giveaway starts!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
We miss you.
Things change, people move on to something else or even out of this world. My Grandfather died the evening of July 3, my step-dad is taking it very hard. I can’t imagine losing my father. Either one of them. While my Grandpa didn’t become that for me until I was 14 or so, he was the only Grandfather I have ever known. My mother and fathers dads both passed away before I met them.
We drove down to Tulsa and attended a beautiful memorial service. People said wonderful things, we scattered his ashes in the water off a boat, and we remembered him. Not that we could ever forget.
It’s so strange having him gone. It didn’t really hit me until I was at my Grandmothers house it seemed almost empty without him there. I had just talked to Brian about them coming up for Thanksgiving before we got the news. I wanted Connor to meet his great grandparents. This was not how I wanted it to happen. Connor was so good with all of the time in the car going down there, he was a delight at the memorial service, he sat with Brian and his mom and just at the right time he looked up and grinned. He loved being on the boat and everyone remarked that it is obvious that he was Bill’s great grandson – no other baby would love the water that much. It was just amazing and wonderful. I don’t really know how to say this, I’m not sad that he died, it happens but I just miss him, that’s the part that hurts.
My mom wrote something from the family about the Tsa-La-Gi yacht club on her blog. She is more eloquent that I so here it is:
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Did you know that with all my mothering I have become crafty? I started making some things to make a little spending money. (Spending on C of course.)
So my ETSY is
I’ve got wool longies on there, soon to be some tutus and more bow holders.
I also have a facebook page.
So yeah. Check it out, I am going to have to figure out how to get some links on the side here.
I am really excited. I want to pull it all together, and maybe open up a giveaway here…
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
So, we’re done having kids. Before James and I were married, we agreed on one. I stupidly secretly hoped that he would see how amazing being a dad is and change his mind. No such luck. He went and had the babymaker fixed so we wouldn’t have any surprises. I’m kind of sad about it.
So I’m trying to figure out what to do with an only child. There are so many things that I did with my big brother, I had someone to look up to and I always had someone there for me. When I was scared or had troubles, I had my brother. Connor won’t have anyone. When I die, he will be by himself without a brother or a sister for support. He will be alone. I guess my brothers will need to have lots of babies, so he has support.
The other thing is that there are a lot of only children that I see that are pretty much spoiled little brats. They are the only person that their parent has to cater to so they get what they want when they want it. I want him to have everything that he wants in the world, I know there is a way to do it, but I wonder if I have that in me…
Really though, I just worry that he will be lonely. I don’t know what it is like to be an only child, I don’t want him to ever feel alone. I think it’s good that I have such a big loving supportive family. I am going to make sure that he knows all of his family and extended family so that he will know that he never has to be alone.
I just want him to be happy.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Last week I got a little upset when we went to the restaurant and the waitress asked if we needed a table for four and a half. I know this is really common and they do it because he’s little and they think he is cute. However the way she said it I think is what set me off. I was just thinking, he is not half a person he may be small, but he’s all here. King Solomon did not come along and have us cut him in half so we could share better. It don’t know why it bothered me, but it did.
Cut to today. I have called my baby half, at least half a dozen times. ‘Guess what baby, you’re half today!” So my little guy is 6 months, and I’ve been calling him half. I think part of it is because when little kids get their half they are very excited about it. Since he has no idea that he should be excited, I am excited for him. What he does know is that he thinks he’s a big boy who doesn’t need a nap today.
While I am excited for him, I am kind of melancholy about it. It feels like time is going so quickly. He’s going to be our only baby and I want it to last as long as possible. There is so much going on in life and I want to treasure every moment.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I’m Bad.
I was thinking about it, and I am a judgmental person. I can’t help it. I am one of those people who thinks poorly of other people. I try so hard to be open minded and I fail. It’s mostly about parenting though. I see a mother who chooses to give her child formula, and I think she should have tried harder. Let me clarify I am not talking about mothers who can not breastfeed due to medications, or supply issues. Just the mom’s who don’t want to because it’s “icky,” “too hard,” or just plain don’t want to. I don’t understand why they would not want to give their best effort to provide the best for their child. It drives me crazy. The strange thing is, I feel bad for feeling this way, but I can’t stop myself! I try so hard to be open minded but I just can’t on this topic. I just think why why why would you want to bring an amazing, precious and probably adorable little baby into this world and start out with second best? It just doesn’t make any sense to me!
Breastfeeding did not come easy for us, but we powered through and we have now been going almost 6 months with another 6 months minimum to come! Why? Because I want my son to always have the best. Even if it is hard for me to accomplish. My world isn’t about me anymore he comes first.
Another thing I judge parents on is the way they talk to their kids. I was at the park and there was a kid running around and playing, generally being a kid. His mom was sitting down and relaxing and the kid wanted to run around- I am pretty sure this is what kids are supposed to do at a park. He wasn’t being disruptive or anything; however his mom kept yelling at him. She wanted him to just sit there next to her. He wasn’t in trouble, they showed up after we did, she wanted to rest from their walk and he just wanted to play. It’s not just that his mom wanted him to sit down it was how she said it. She used bad language, and she yelled. She didn’t even start with asking nice or saying please. It wasn’t “J please sit down until I tell you it’s okay to go.” It was “J sit your ass down I didn’t tell you that you could get out of the stroller!” Seriously this kid was one, and the language just got worse from there. I wanted to say something to her but I bit my tongue. I just don’t get it.
The other thing that is kind of weird and I don’t know why I feel this way is taking your kid out in a diaper. Nothing but a diaper. It looks kind of trashy. Put a shirt on your kid at least! The sun is bad for your child’s skin, help protect it. Don’t be lame. I also have a problem with fat hairy shirtless men, but that doesn’t have anything to do with parenting. I guess I just think that unless you’re at a pool or in the privacy of your own home, doing yard work, or at the beach you should cover up. I guess I’m prude that way. But seriously and back on topic, dress your kids. Don’t be lazy, In private, let your kid walk around naked for all I care, but when you take your kid outside, at least give some appropriate cover from the elements.
Ok so that is it. I am judgey and I feel bad for it. Some things I just can’t make myself being open minded about. I suck.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I have been thinking a lot about my birthing experience. I wanted a “natural” birth. I ended up needing drugs. It was for my little man, I would have done anything they told me I needed. I am a pretty flexible person, I figured I could roll with the punches, and I did. However, at the end I was a little disappointed. I felt like I didn’t get what I wanted. I didn’t get my “natural” birth.
The more that I think about it, I did have the birth experience that I wanted. I have a happy healthy son. How can I really ask for more than anything than that? What is more natural than doing what is the best for your baby? I can’t think of a thing.
I don’t think there was ever any reason for me to feel bad, or be upset about what happened. I did the natural thing – what was best for my baby. What I really wanted was for him to be here. Where I could hold him and love him, and let him know that he is the most amazing person in the world. I can do that. I do that every day. So to all of the mom’s out there that are worried about a birthing experience, scared about how things will be, relax. Take it as it comes, have an idea but be open to change, because it happens. Just remember, at the end you will have a baby and that is all that really matters.
PS Connor is in a Gerber contest if anyone stumbles across this, vote please!
Free stuff:
She is giving away 5 coupon binders. Enter to win yours.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Fireworks and smelly stuff.
Independence day was awesome. I think my son has magical anti mosquito powers. We went to the park to watch the fireworks, and he tore off his mosquito net and wanted to be held. No bites while mommy and daddy who were covered in bug spray were getting eaten alive. I don’t know how this happened, magic powers are the only reasonable explanation.
He loved the fireworks though. They went off and he was just staring, then he started talking all about them. It was adorable. His eyes were huge, and his whole face just lit up. It was kind of amazing. I hope next year is just as good. I want him to love things like this.
Free stuff time!
This is my Scentsy consultant. She has a few different giveaways on her page, so go join. There is a plug in giveaway, a $40 shopping spree, and a photo contest. (Sexy soldiers) So go over join in, and have a little fun!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
It has been crazy around here. Connor is 21 weeks, and I as a first time mom freak out – a lot. (Do repeat moms do this?) He is fake coughing (it’s easy to tell and pretty cute,) and laughing and talking a lot more than he had previously. However he is also wanted a little more attention that usual. Not that I ignore my kid, but previously he would want to go in his swing or bouncy seat and this week he just wants to be by Mama and Daddy just won’t do. This makes it especially hard since I have finals for two of my classes this week which means that I have three papers to write. What fun. I thought I would enjoy my humanities class. It is about media and culture, but it stinks. I don’t find it useful and I am not sure it is relevant. I really do not feel like I have learned anything in that class. It is sad, and a waste of money. It would have been nice if I had been given the option of choosing my electives. Alas that is not the way it was meant to be. Next week I start up a psychology class and another humanities class this time it’s critical and creative thinking. Hopefully it will be better. Here is the class description: “This course focuses on developing the critical and creative thinking skills necessary to analyze and solve problems, make decisions, implement strategies, and formulate well supported points of view on key academic, social, and professional issues. The principles of creative thinking are essential to critical thinking skills. Students will learn how to evaluate their ideas and how to communicate their points of view persuasively.” After reading it it sounds lame, but here’s hoping.On the bright side, it looks like I get rid of a lot of the students I have been in class with that seem to get on my nerves. Call me mean, but it really ruffles my feathers when an adult in college can not get the difference between to and too, and can never capitalize the letter I. I know my grammar isn’t perfect, but at least I have the basics down.
So enough complaining. I want to tell you about something very very nice. I was goofing off on facebook instead of writing my papers and I came across this on the Generations of Savings facebook page. They are giving away a KY intimacy kit. This sounds so amazing. Seriously. I think it’s about time we get things back to steamy in our bedroom. C is almost big enough to sleep in his own room. (He’s only got a couple inches of space in his bassinet and he keeps wiggling his way down to the bottom so that his but is touching the bottom and his feet are in the air; plus call me selfish and cruel, but Mommy want some grown up time.) Now this giveaway is only open to bloggers so I barely count, but if you blog you should enter. Oh and for the freebie of the day we have….. oh yeah that was it. It is really slow on the freebie front this weekend. I will make up for it next time with more posts. Oh! I almost forgot! There is another contest on over at OMG Scentsy. You can find out all of the details here: on her facebook page. She is the best rep ever.
Friday, June 24, 2011
So busy… and FREE STUFF!
I have been so lately busy I haven’t found time to write. Not that anyone reads this anyway; so at least I’m not disappointing anyone but myself. So I have been busy with the baby, and super busy with school. (I’m making a 99.22% in my English class by the way.) I have been so excited and spending some of my free time on Facebook entering giveaways. I have won some great stuff, a necklace with my little guys name, a onesie, a scarf, a hat, it’s all been super cool! It is great to get a little something since I don’t work. Well other than the Feisty Monkey stuff I have been doing, but I haven’t posted enough of of on Etsy yet. I have been too busy working with my mom with her Avon because she needs the help.
So anyway I found this really awesome giveaway that I wanted to share (I get extra entries for sharing anyway.) It’s for Scentsy and I really want to try it. Right now a new warmer is out of the very tight budget I am working with, so winning one would be awesome, then I can just buy the refills that are super cheap! So here’s a link to the giveaway for anyone that stumbles across and may want to enter. I think this may be a new thing for me. I think I will start sharing these awesome giveaways on my blog! Oh yeah, the link…
Monday, June 6, 2011
Jessie Grows Up or Something…
Jessie graduated! Woo Hoo! Congrats little sister!
We drove. A lot. Then we drove some more. Then we drove again. That was pretty much the trip if you want to add a serious storm and a super great lunch with an old friend. Connor did amazing in the car ride again, we were going to take him swimming but the storm closed the pool and the day I was there we didn’t have time to swim.
I had lunch with a friend I haven’t seen in years and his wife who I also consider a friend. It was amazing. We sat we talked and even Brian (my step-dad) was included in the conversation. It was great.
We are so proud of Jessie she almost missed walking across the stage because she got lost, she may have (she denies it but I swear I saw it) tripped going up the steps to the stage. However she walked and is now officially a graduate. I didn’t take the baby to the ceremony because I did not want him to have to sit in the car for 6 more hours just for a 1 hour graduation. She came back to visit at the hotel and met C for the first time. I think they like each other. We had a nice time. I just wanted to give some kudos where they are due. Good job Jess. We love you!